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This new book by Shelly Hamilton details lessons learned from a godly father that were, in the author’s words, “at times more caught than taught.” Shelly, the daughter of Frank Garlock and wife of Ron “Patch” Hamilton, is a gifted musician and a devoted daughter, sister, wife, mother, and grandmother. These life lessons will inspire you to learn from those who have come before and to pass on the valuable truths shared in these pages to those who come behind.
2023’s Best Musical Moments CD/DVD combo set featuring 13 musical selections featured on Rejoice during 2023
This 31-day devotional shares insights to help us walk with God, not run ahead of Him. Each devotional involves both thought and action that when combined with yielding, will encourage us to ponder the path and not blaze the trail. You’ll find ways to avoid obstacles we face when we are running a self-directed course instead of walking with God. Francie Taylor is the author of several books, a frequent ladies conference speaker, and a faithful member of Campus Church.
The embossed soft-back journal is useful for taking notes while listening to a sermon. You might also want to make it a prayer and praise book as you make note of those you commit to pray for or chronicle your own personal requests, and then rejoice in God’s provision in your life and theirs.
No Doubt About It 4-Disc CD and DVD Set featuring Pastor Redlin’s 4 messages answering the question, “How can I know I’m saved?”
Fret Not is an expanded exposition of Psalm 37. It provides scriptural insights into how to deal with anxiety and frustration in the perilous times in which we live. Through these pages, Dr. Tim Zacharias, Campus Church Assistant Pastor, will help you chart the course for facing the future with purpose and hope. These words of encouragement and instruction will bring peace and comfort as you read and apply the truths from Scripture found in Fret Not.
One Day CD featuring 10 inspirational songs by the Rejoice musicians
Unparalleled Journey study guide and CDs featuring Pastor Redlin’s 14 messages from Philippians 1 & 2
Unimaginable Joy study guide and CDs featuring Pastor Redlin’s 14 messages from Philippians 3 & 4
Is there any limit on the expression of Christian liberty? How far can you go with it? God wouldn’t endorse an unbridled freedom, would He?
What comes to mind when you think of liberty? Thoughts of a joyful experience in the will of God? It should, but we have to remember that there is more to liberty than mere freedom. Liberty comes with responsibilities.
The goal is to find biblical balance on this issue. In order to walk worthy of our calling as the children of God, it is essential to learn how to avoid the extremes of license and legalism.
These pages will help unlock and open the door to a greater experience of Christian liberty and a higher understanding of its application. By the end of this study, you’ll have the insight necessary to appreciate and possess this liberty of yours.
Written by Dr. Tim Zacharias, assistant pastor at Campus Church.
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